

    OverviewThe Wydown Middle School literacy curriculum engages students through seven essential classroom practices: shared reading, independent reading, assigned writing, self-selected writing, discussion, inquiry and demonstrations. These classroom practices foster continued growth in the District’s Enduring Understandings:

    • Systems: Readers and writers understand that structures, conventions, and roles of language differ so that they can approach writing in different ways and for different purposes.

    • Inquiry: Readers and writers ask questions to make sense of the world around them and challenge the status quo. 

    • Social Interaction: Reading and writing builds social connections to help us understand others’ perspectives and gain empathy to build both local and global communities.

    • Personal Growth: Reading and writing empowers us to discover and explore our passions, to embrace ambiguity, and to persevere through challenging and complex texts to grow personally and intellectually. 

    • Aesthetics: Readers and writers benefit from exploring a wide range of texts to broaden their appreciation for language and to expand their ability to express themselves and inspire others.  
Last Modified on May 26, 2022