
    Welcome to Wydown Health


    My name is Jill Warner.

    I teach 6th, 7th, & 8th-grade health classes! 


    Click HERE to access the Health Class Google Site with more information.


    "To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not

    be able to keep our mind strong & clear."- Buddha


    Parents:  Please encourage your student(s) to participate in our weekly health challenges (posted in the health classroom).  Your family could also participate in the challenges as well - ask your student(s) about them! 


    * ATTENTION:  All Parents & Students - please remember that students should talk to teachers  
    before leaving for a field trip & upon returning to guarantee all missed work/information has been completed/received.
     Email is the best way to reach me:  jillwarner@claytonschools.net
    The following supplies are what health students will need EVERY DAY in class:

    Loose leaf paper (about 30 pages)
    Folder (for ONLY health materials)
    Writing Utensil
    Charged Chromebook


Last Modified on August 14, 2024