School Closing Information

  • Information regarding school closings or schedule changes due to extreme weather will be posted on the front page of the District website as soon as a decision is made. Typically, a decision to close school or open on a snow schedule is not made until 5 a.m. on the morning in question.

    When a snow schedule is announced, starting times for all schools will be one hour later than normal. Click here for more more information about opening on a Snow Schedule. School will still be let out at the regular time. Voluntary transfer students and students riding the Meramec bus should report to their regular stop one hour later than their normally scheduled pick-up time. All before-school meetings, programs, sports practices and activities are canceled, and there is no before-school childcare provided at the Family Center or any elementary school. Please check this site or tune to local media for information on school closings.

    On days that the District is closed or on a snow schedule, SchoolMessenger, the District’s broadcast telephone messaging system, will call and email all District families as soon as a decision is made to announce a closing or late start. Evening events and activities are also canceled unless otherwise noted on the District website or in the closing announcement.

    The School District of Clayton also posts school closings information on the following:

    Canceling After-School and Evening Activities
    Often the timing of a winter storm will be such that the District will cancel after-school and evening activities in order for students and staff to be able to get home safely. A decision to cancel after-school or evening activities will usually be made by 2 or 2:30 p.m. on the day in question. Canceling after-school and evening activities applies to all District meetings and events, school meetings and events, school clubs, activities, athletic practices and games. Kid Zone will close after-school care early. District administration will determine the closing time based on the situation and will notify parents via SchoolMessenger phone and email blast.