- School District of Clayton
- Student Services
Office of Student Services
The Student Services Department serves as a liaison to the Special School District for special education services. The department is also responsible for 504 compliance, student records management, policy development, homeless student program, school counseling program, health services program, gifted identification, personal tuition program and the Voluntary Student Transfer Program.The 2024-25 school year will be a transition year as we look for a new Assistant Superintendent of Student Services for the 2025-26 school year. Below are the contacts associated with each responsibility served by the department.- Guidance, Counseling, Social Workers, Gifted Identification, VTS Program, McKinney Vento, Student Discipline
Dr. Cameron Poole
cameronpoole@claytonschools.net- Title IX Coordinator, Federal Programs, English Language Development, Field Trips, Panorama
Dr. Milena Garganigo
milenagarganigo@claytonschools.net- Special Education, Summer Programming
Dr. Kelly Sollberger
kellysollberger@claytonschools.net- Attendance
Jeff Puls
jeffreypuls@claytonschools.net- Health Services, Parent and Community Partnerships, All-In Coalition
Luke Heitert
lukeheitert@claytonschools.net- Student Services Policy Updates
John Brazeal
johnbrazeal@claytonschools.netJulie Engelhard
Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services
Key Areas of Responsibility
- Special School District
- Contact John Turner, SSD Director, at 314-854-6041 or Kate Pavlisin, SSD Lead Teacher, at 314-854-6016.
- Special Education
- Student Records
- Attendance/CORE data
- At Risk Programming
- Greyhound Alternative Program (GAP)
- Contact Truman Solverud at 314-854-6798.
- Voluntary Transfer Program
- Free and Reduced Lunch Program
- Contact Crystal Jackson-Pierce, Administrative Assistant for Food Services, at 314-854-6642.
- Homeless Student Program
- Foster Care Liaison
- School Counseling Program
- Health Services Program
- Gifted Identification
- Personal Tuition Program