• School District of Clayton Board of Education

    The School District of Clayton Board of Education has seven members; two elected annually for three-year terms; and three elected every third year for three-year terms. An annual school board election is held in April each year. School board members are volunteers that receive no compensation for serving on the Board.


    Diligent/ Community is the School District of Clayton’s e-governance website. As part of the District’s ongoing commitment to open communication and a transparent school governance process, Diligent/ Community allows anyone visiting the e-governance site to review Board meeting agendas and associated supporting documents.

    The site is updated after each Board meeting. Highlights, audio recordings and official minutes of the past meetings can be reviewed on the site. Audio files are archived in MP3 format and are filed with their associated agenda item on each past meetings’ agenda. Diligent/ Community is also home to a searchable, online index of all District policies.

    Visit Clayton's e-governance website (Diligent/ Community) by following this link.

    You can view our Board of Education meetings on YouTube by following this link 

    The Role of the Board

    The Board of Education is elected to represent the School District of Clayton community in the governance of its public schools. The Board’s chief responsibility is to evaluate and hire the superintendent of schools. Additionally, the Board adopts policies and direct procedures for the governance of the District, with responsibility for implementing Board policy and day-to-day operations of the District delegated to the superintendent. The Board is also responsible for adopting an annual budget to enable the District to carry out its educational programs.

    All Board actions are governed by state and federal laws and Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) guidelines.

    Decision Making

    A minimum of four Board members must be present to conduct official Board business. Prior to each meeting, Board members receive relevant background information on each agenda item. They may contact administration to clarify any item. The Board votes on each action item after Board discussion.

    The superintendent is the chief executive officer of the District and is employed by the Board. The superintendent and, when appropriate, members of the administrative team, meet with the Board to make recommendations and answer questions.

    Archived Board Meetings and Notes

    Click here to view previous Board of Education agendas and notes on BoardDocs.