



    The National Honor Society is a national organization recognizing high school students who have demonstrated strong character, excelled academically, and taken active roles in leadership and service

    Membership in the Clayton High School chapter of the National Honor Society is a faculty-awarded honor. It is important that students interested in applying review the requirements starting in the 9th grade. 

    Students who have exemplified outstanding character, academic achievement, leadership, and service will be invited to apply in the fall of their sophomore, junior, and senior year. 

    Requirements to receive an invitation to apply are as follows:

    1. Demonstrate scholarship by earning a cumulative 3.6+ grade-point average at the beginning of 10th, 11th, or 12th grade. 

    2. Demonstrate character by showing integrity, trustworthiness, and respect for others. Discipline records are reviewed and evaluated as part of this process, and faculty evaluations are a secondary tool to evaluate this trait.

    3. Demonstrate leadership by actively contributing to school activities and actively leading in the classroom when appropriate. Faculty evaluations are the primary tool to evaluate this trait. 

    4. Demonstrate service by rendering assistance to others. Students generally should have completed 20+ hours of documented volunteer service each year of high school. This service should benefit the wider community (i.e. not the advancement of one's religion or one's personal gain). 

    Once inducted, to maintain membership, students must participate in CHS's NHS project. 

    Nota bene: Induction typically occurs after the college application process has concluded. 


    For further questions about the National Honor Society at Clayton High School, please contact the principal, Carolyn Blair, at carolynblair@claytonschools.net

Last Modified on October 8, 2024