School Messenger

  • Communicating During an Emergency - SchoolMessenger
    SchoolMessenger is the primary way that the District will communicate with staff and parents in the event of an emergency. It’s also used to share school news. Parents will receive two types of information:​

    • Emergency Messages - If there is a crisis situation in a school or in the District, we will keep parents informed through regular updates via phone, email and text using SchoolMessenger. SchoolMessenger will contact parents using voice, email and text alerts. These alerts, along with inclement weather messages, will be sent to all contact numbers available for the family as listed in PowerSchool.
    • School Outreach Messages - Schools keep parents connected to news and information through school eNewsletters, email messages, phone updates and text messaging. Parents receive school outreach communication on their primary phones and email addresses.

    Use the SchoolMessenger App to Manage Your Notification Preferences
    SchoolMessenger has replaced Contact Manager with the SchoolMessenger app. The SchoolMessenger app provides the same functionality as Contact Manager, allowing parents to set up their contact preferences and review all of their received messages. The new app:
    • Allows you to control the ways in which you prefer to be contacted for various messages
    • Works like a mailbox, giving you a place to review messages you may have missed

    If you previously had a Contact Manager account, all of your notification preferences have been saved and rolled over to the new app. Additionally it adds more capabilities including the potential for teacher-initiated messaging, a feature the District is currently not using. Like Contact Manager, the SchoolMessenger app is available free of charge to parents. To learn more about the app and its capabilities, watch this video.

    To get started, visit Once on this page, follow the links to download the app on a mobile device. To sign up on a computer, click "Log In" in the upper righthand corner of the start page to create an account. 

    Thanks for taking the time to make sure you are connected and ready to receive important information from the School District of Clayton.

    Please Note: You do not have to sign up for the School Messenger app in order to receive communications. The contact information you have already given your child's school will automatically be used for notifications. The SchoolMessenger app simply gives you the power to set preferences and review messages.

    Text message costs are not paid for by the School District of Clayton. Please check with your phone service provider for possible charges.

    If you have any questions about the District's
    broadcast messaging system, please contact:

    (314) 854-6014