• Enrollment of Students

    Enrollment for students in the School District of Clayton is entirely online. To begin the process, please complete the pre-registration form. The pre-registration window for the Fall opens on March 1. If your child is currently enrolled at the Family Center, please contact the enrollment specialist at 314-854-6031 before starting the registration process. 

    Resident Enrollment:
    As part of the online enrollment process, you will need to upload student documents and proof of residency in an electronic format. Before beginning online forms, please review the Online Enrollment Checklist  for a list of the items needed for upload.

    Please review these videos demonstrating the online enrollment process:
    Part 1 - Creating PowerSchool account and linking students
    Part 2 - Logging into PowerSchool account for the first time
    Part 3 - Locating the Enrollment Form

    For more information about enrollment and registration, please email enrollment@claytonschools.net.

    Don't have access to a computer? We can help with in-person enrollment on one of our devices. Contact us at enrollment@claytonschools.net to schedule an appointment.

    Definition of Residency: Children who live with a parent or legal guardian whose domicile is within the boundaries of the School District of Clayton may enroll in the School District of Clayton's K - 12 schools without charge. A family's domicile is defined as its primary, fixed and permanent residence for legal purposes.

    Kindergarten Eligibility: A child is eligible for admission to Kindergarten if the child reaches the age of five (5) before the first day of August of the school year. Visit the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's website for additional information about Kindergarten registration age requirements.

    Pre-School Enrollment: Parents of children entering the District's early childhood program at the Family Center will follow a separate enrollment process. Please visit the Family Center's website for additional information.

    Non-Resident Enrollment: Additional ways to access the District's schools include the Personal Tuition Program and Tax Credit Tuition Program. Please note that Tuition enrollment for the 24-25 school year is closed. For information about these programs for the 25-26 school year, please contact Student Services at 314-854-6023. 

    Change of Address: New address? Please complete the Address Change Form . Scan and return the form to enrollment@claytonschools.net along with a copy of your new lease, Deed of Trust or mortgage statement AND a copy of a recent gas or electric bill for your new address. If you have any questions, please contact Resident Enrollment at 314-854-6031.

    Transportation: The School District of Clayton does not provide regular transportation for students. RSMo 167.231 requires districts to provide transportation to and from school for all pupils living more than three and one-half miles from school. Historically, the School District of Clayton has provided transportation to/from school for certain students at Meramec Elementary due to the hazardous nature of students walking to/from school that requires them to cross Brentwood Boulevard. Additionally, the District stations crossing guards at various key intersections to help students safely cross the street. 

    Enrollment Timeline: Please note that enrollment is not considered complete until all forms are completed and required documents are uploaded and submitted. It may take up to five school days for a new enrollment to be processed after submission.