Student Illness Guidelines

  • The School District of Clayton has established a list of student illness guidelines to help parents determine whether or not to send their child to school. Attendance is encouraged unless one of the following exists:
    1. FEVER: Students with a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above should not attend school. Students must be fever-free for 24 hours without the aid of medication before they may return to school.
    2. CONJUNCTIVITIS/PINKEYE: Students with red, watery eyes, with or without purulent drainage, must remain at home until 3 doses of antibiotic eye drops have been administered and eyes are clear of purulent discharge.
    3. IMPETIGO: This condition is highly contagious and requires treatment. Unless under the care of a health care provider, the student may not attend school.
    4. HEAD LICE: The school must be informed if your child has head lice. Any live lice or nits within ¼" of the scalp must be treated. Treatment is required before returning to school. The student must be "checked in" by the school nurse before returning to class.
    5. PINWORMS: This condition is easily transmitted and requires treatment before attending school.
    6. VOMITING/DIARRHEA: If a student has vomited or had diarrhea during the night or just before school, he/she should not attend. Students should remain at home until symptom-free and able to tolerate regular food.
    7. SORE THROAT: A sore throat may require medical attention to determine if a strep infection is present and an antibiotic needed. If a throat culture is done, student should remain at home until results are known. If culture is positive, student may return to school after 24 hours of antibiotics, if no fever is present.
    8. RASH: A student with a rash may be excluded until the cause of the rash has been determined. A physician's note may be required for re-admission to school.
    9. RINGWORM of SCALP AND SKIN: Student will be excluded from school until effective treatment is started. This may require a physician's note.
    10. RUNNY NOSE: If drainage is profuse and not clear, student should remain at home until symptoms improve.
    11. COUGH: A cough following a cold is not necessarily contagious and may be prolonged. If the cough is croup or is productive with non-clear discharge, student should remain at home until symptoms improve.
    12. CHICKEN POX: Students are excluded until all lesions have been crusted and there are no new lesions, generally day 6 after onset of rash.

    A School District of Clayton policy states that any student too ill to attend the morning session should remain at home for the entire day.

    Please report any communicable disease such as strep throat, chickenpox, etc., to the school nurse for the protection of the entire building. If you have any questions about your child’s attendance at school, contact your school nurse.