    Class schedule 2023-2024:
    1st hour - Advanced French 
    3rd hour - French IV 
    4th hour - Advanced French 
    6th hour - French Cinema & Conversation  
    Google Classroom:
    My syllabus with course expectations and grading policies are all linked in the list below.  Weekly plans will be posted via Google Classroom, as will most assignments for classes. In addition, I will sometimes send time-sensitive updates via Classroom, so students should make sure to set their notifications accordingly. Parents are also invited to join our Google Classroom.
    Contact Madame Caspari:
    Email: elizabethcaspari@claytonschools.net 
    Voicemail: 314-854-6683
    Questions? Please contact me. I check my email numerous times throughout the day, but I do check my voicemail once each school day.
Last Modified on August 15, 2024