- Clayton High School
- Overview
Welcome to Career and Technical EducationClayton High School
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Mission Statement of CTE at Clayton High SchoolThe mission of the School District of Clayton is to educate, inspire and empower each student to love learning and embrace challenge within a rich and rigorous academic culture. CTE courses, by design, provide students a space and structure to take on leadership, to collaborate, to problem solve and to create something that they have determined is meaningful and important. CTE uniquely has the ability to offer the flexibility and creative space that comes with mixed-age classrooms, mixed-ability classrooms, project-based learning and tangible product development in a way that other disciplines cannot offer. The empowerment that students find as they take ownership of their own hands-on learning is special to CTE.The driving purpose of CTE is preparing students to be thinkers and learners in an ever-changing world. We want students to pursue learning that is both meaningful and relevant to their lives so that they move into the world as lifelong learners. CTE is a discipline that inspires student engagement and empowers them to creatively solve problems within authentic learning experiences. We know that allowing students to pursue their passions increases student engagement and encourages students to pursue learning opportunities. Within CTE, the fields of engineering, journalism, business, and family and consumer science (FCS) serve as vehicles for students to bring their learning to life.
We contend that students need opportunities to engage in highly creative and differentiated learning experiences. As industry increasingly moves to more collaborative and results-oriented models with smaller top-down approaches to management, our students need to have authentic experiences with peer-collaboration, project and task management and “real world” problem solving. Additionally, as successful collegiate study requires students to engage with their peers in a self-directed, highly motivated manner, early exposure to this model of teaching and learning is essential K-12 experiences. Our classrooms provide environments in which the students take control and master their own learning with a teacher guiding them rather than directing them.
Department Contacts
Dr. Steve Beauchampstephenbeauchamp@claytonschools.netPLTWRobohounds
Practical Arts Curriculum ChairDr. Lauren Comptonlaurencompton@claytonschools.netFamily and Consumer ScienceProStart Hounds Culinary & Management TeamsSTUCO AdviserCTE Department ChairMrs. Debra Klevensdebraklevens@claytonschools.netJournalismThe Globe AdviserMr. Scott Kreherscottkreher@claytonschools.netVideo ProductionClamo YearbookMr. James Maddockjamesmaddock@claytonschools.netBusinessMr. Justin Hildebrandjustinhildebrand@claytonschools.netBusiness/DECA/Clayton CatalystMrs. Kim Zustiakkimzustiak@claytonschools.netVideo ProductionSpeech and Debate