• 2011-2012 Classroom Photos
    We recently went rock-climbing as a class at the Clayton Center.  In addition we got some time to play kickball, ping pong, soccer and basketball, too.  It was a thrilling, fun filled day.  

    Valentine's Day is a fun celebration at Glenridge.  Our fifth graders had a great time passing out Valentine's, playing charades, decorating hats and enjoying the chocolate fountain. 

    Our trip to Hidden Valley for the 5th grade ski trip was amazing.  We have an amazing time.

    We had ONE snowstorm and got outside for a little fun in the snow.

    There was a lot of drama in our colony simulation.  Some were inspired by song - check out these two Freedom Fighters:

    Freedom Fighter Fight SongFREEDOM FIGHTER SONG of SORROW

    Our skit performers:

    skit cast

    We had a visit from the CHS in honor of Homecoming weekend!

    CLAYMO Leadership Retreat -what a FAB day and a FAB group!

    Our first field trip of the year was spent writing and drawing at the Botanical and City Gardens.  A great time was had by all. 

    Lots of FUN and CREATIVITY today at our Halloween parade and party.  Trick or treat!

    Our first day was full of fun, laughs and smiles.  What a GREAT group!

Last Modified on August 28, 2015