• The Glenridge staff are routinely trained in school safety procedures, which include Active Shooter Training.  We proactively practice with students what to do in the case of a fire, tornado, earthquake and intruder by participating in safety drills. The principal leads a School Safety/Crisis Team of teacher and parent representatives.

    This team meets at least once each semester to review procedures, roles and responsibilities in the event of a threat to the security of staff and students. Our District Chief Communications Officer conducts annual safety walkthroughs in each building with our District Director for Facilities and area First Responders (Fire, Police, EMT); often suggesting timely upgrades to our security systems as a result of each audit. Glenridge teachers also meet with the School Resource Officer assigned to Glenridge to role play and gain knowledge in support of securing the safety and well-being of students in the event of an emergency situation. The building is locked while school is in session. Please use the buzzer system when visiting and do check in at the office once you have identified yourself and the intent of your visit.  Also note that as an extra safety precaution, Glenridge students are taught not open the school doors for adult visitors.