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Art - Amy Oliver
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Phone: 314) 606-0262
Degrees and Certifications:
BA in Comprehensive Art Education K-12Masters in Multidisciplinary Studies
Mrs. Amy Oliver
My degree is in Comprehensive Art Education K-12 and I have been teaching elementary art since 2006! I furthered my education with a Masters in Disciplinary Studies which better equipped me to integrate cultures, concepts, and curriular connections into the art studio. I consider it a true privaledge to help young artists discover the courage and skills needed in order to better believe in their own greatness.
Teaching within a Choice Based art room is one of the most powerful shifts in pedagogy that I have ever made and it’s absolutely amazing for countless reasons. The main one: Artists are empowered. I used to think my lessons allowed for choice, but they did not grant artists the freedom to create their own relevant and personal pieces of art. In a Choice Based Artroom the students are the artists and the classroom is their studio!