- Glenridge Elementary School
- About Teacher Page

Phone: 314-854-6242
Degrees and Certifications:
B.S. Business Administration and Accounting Post-Baccalaureate Early Childhood Education Master of Educational Administration
Mrs. Kristin Harris-Robinson
Hello First Graders! My name is Mrs. Robinson, and I will be your first-grade teacher this year! This will be my tenth year teaching, and I am excited to begin this new journey with you. Teaching lower elementary is my passion because that is the prime time for children to be molded and shaped into innovative leaders of the future. As an educator, it is my mission to uplift, encourage, nurture, and prepare students academically, socially, and emotionally for successful living.
I grew up here in St. Louis, MO where I attended Cardinal Ritter College Prep High School and spent much of my time dancing at COCA (Center of Creative Arts) and volunteering with my church and my sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. In addition to teaching, I love to spend time with my wonderful husband Markell, my bonus children Alyssa and Micah, and our three yorkies, Clark, Bailey, and Nellie. In my spare time I also enjoy working out, reading, and cooking.
In first grade we will learn how to be better readers and writers. We will learn about strategies for adding and subtracting in Math, and we will learn about families, communities, and our own identities in Social Studies. In Science, we will learn about the sun and moon, light and sound, and plants and animals. In addition to enjoying music class, art class, PE and library, your child will begin learning Spanish with Senora Kennerly every week.
I look forward to beginning this year with you at Glenridge Elementary and creating a caring classroom community with your child, full of wonderful and fun-filled learning in first grade!
I can't wait to spend the year learning and growing with you!
Mrs. Robinson ☺