    Sharon August 2016
    I am excited to being my 17th year at Glenridge Elementary School! In addition, I serve as the District Gifted Coordinator. Working with children is my passion.  The School District of Clayton is a wonderful learning community of which I am pleased to be a part. It is a joy and privilege to work with Glenridge students!
    In continued support of the district's culture of achievement for all students, 2nd-5th grade students identified by District criteria for the Gifted Program meet with me in small grade level groups to participate in Extended Learning (XL) sessions for 150 minutes each week.  The District Elementary Gifted Specialists have written age appropriate lessons based on the seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).  These SDGs provide an authentic curriuclum for XL stduents as they learn and grapple with solutions to complex real-world problems.  In addition to learning about the SDGs, XL provides time for students to work in teams to connect with the grade level SDGs through a Project Based Learning (PBL) experience. The District XL students present their projects each semester at the evening XL Expo. In addition, through XL sessions students have opportunities to better understand himself/herself as a gifted individual. 
    I served as Chair of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Global Awareness Network and was a 2015 MidWest Education Technology Conference Spotlight Educator. My professional background prior to the School District of Clayton includes being a district gifted coordinator, library/media specialist for grades K-12, middle and high school social studies teacher, and middle school literacy, science, and math teacher. Also, I've been privileged to be involved in innovative programs in gifted education, the arts, aesthetic education and special education.
    Sharon Slodounik, 314.854.6283
    Twitter @sharonslodounik 

Last Modified on January 4, 2019