Phone: (314) 854-6349


Degrees and Certifications:

Phone: 314-854-6300 ext. 6349 Email: Degrees and Certifications: *Bachelor of Science in Education with certification in Elementary Education grades 1-6 (Webster University) *Master of Arts in Teaching with Reading Specialist certification K-12 (Webster University) *Master's +30 (Webster University) *Reading Recovery Training (Southeast Missouri State University through Parkway School District) *Comprehensive Intervention Model (CIM) Training (Southeast Missouri State University through Parkway School District)

Mrs. Katie Cotsworth


Teaching reading and writing while forming strong bonds with students is my passion. 

I graduated from Webster University with my Bachelor of Arts in Education degree in 2004. I completed my student teaching semester in a multi-age 1st/2nd grade classroom at Captain. After graduation, I taught 2nd grade in the Hazelwood School District at McCurdy Elementary. I was thrilled to be able to return to Clayton and join the first grade team at Meramec in 2007.  I taught first grade for three years and third grade for two years at Meramec. During that time I completed my Master of Arts in Teaching with Certification in Special Reading K-12. Then, I moved into my current role as the K-2 Reading Specialist and Reading Recovery teacher.  In 2013, I completed training in Reading Recovery through Southeast Missouri State in conjunction with our partnership with the Parkway School District. This is my 9th year in my position, and I primarily support 1st and 2nd grade students.

I am married to my husband, John, and we have three children: Caroline (8), Maggie (6), and Ellie (almost 2). Our family loves to be active outside together riding bikes, swimming, and exploring the fun attractions in the area. I enjoy reading by myself and with my children, running, taking pictures and baking, and traveling with my family. 

It is my pleasure and joy to help each child I work with develop their skills, independence, and love of reading and writing.

Joined the District

Current Position
Reading Specialist at Meramec Elementary School

Last Modified on August 24, 2021