
  • Who Can Use the Library?
    Any Captain student can check books out of our library. AND! Captain kids can use the district catalog to find books or movies they need at other Clayton Schools. The librarians will be glad to check out the books you need and send them to you at Captain. Captain parents are encouraged to use the library for family reading. See Mrs. Sullivan to make sure your parent name is on our directory of patrons.

    How Does the Library Work?
    Students select the materials they want or need and bring them to the Circulation Desk. A teacher or Helper will check the books out to you. You may keep most books or videos for one week, if you need them that long. Books may be renewed once or twice as long as no one else is waiting for the book. As soon as you finish with the book or video, please return it to the return bin at the circulation desk.

    If you do not bring the book back to the return bin before its due date, you will probably get a note reminding you to bring the book back soon.

Last Modified on February 21, 2022