Phone: 314-854-6127


Degrees and Certifications:

BSED in Art Education K-12, University of Missouri - Columbia MA in Art Education, Southeast Missouri State University

Mrs. Tiffany Marquart

Hello! My name is Tiffany MarquART and I am the R.M. Captain Visual Arts Specialist. 

At Captain, I teach art through a pedagogy called "Teaching for Artistic Behaviors" (TAB). The students refer to it as Choice Art.

The foundation of TAB is: 

1. What do artists do?

2. The child is the artist.

3. The art room is the child's studio.

If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or email. 


phone: 314-854-6127

follow Captain Art Studio on Instagram

follow your artist on Artsonia

look at some of our artwork


Joined the District:



Current Position

Art Educator, Ralph M. Captain Elementary School