
  • Ralph M. Captain Elementary School is a community-based, open-concept school that serves four distinct neighborhoods: Concordia Seminary, Demun, Hillcrest and Richmond Heights. The students of Captain Elementary are the heart of our school community.  Students with a variety of different needs, interests, cultural heritages and learning styles comprise the school's rich tapestry.

    Captain’s staff members foster a caring, supportive learning environment where all children embrace challenges, think critically and persevere to reach high levels of learning. While maintaining small class sizes, teachers work deliberately to implement the rich, challenging Clayton curriculum. All teachers differentiate learning activities for students to accommodate unique learning needs. Captain’s staff members are vibrant, energetic, diverse and constantly seeking to improve what they do for students.

    Captain parents value the diversity, high expectations and rich learning experiences available to all children in the school community. Working together, Captain parents and staff aim to achieve excellence by building community and by providing for the diverse needs of each student.

    Welcome to Captain Elementary!

Last Modified on February 21, 2022