• The School District of Clayton’s School Counseling program focuses on teaching students the competencies that are critical to their continued social, emotional and academic growth and development. Through regular, planned activities led by the District’s professionally certified guidance counselors, students learn about career planning and exploration, knowledge of self and others, and educational and vocational development.

    In addition to meeting students’ immediate and critical needs, the District’s School Counseling program provides a full range of activities and services for Clayton students and their families. These activities include assessment, consultation, counseling, referrals, college counseling, placement, follow-up and follow-through.

    Clayton’s School Counseling program is based on a team approach; while professionally certified school counselors are central to the program, all school staff members are involved. School counselors not only provide direct services to students, but they also work in consultative and collaborative relationships with other members of the School Counseling team, members of the school staff, parents/guardians and members of the community.
    Listed below are the Enduring Understandings of the Guidance curriculum.  These are statements that summarize important ideas and core processes that are central to a discipline and have lasting value beyond the classroom.
    Enduring Understandings
    It is important to acquire the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to become responsible citizens, productive workers and lifelong learners.
    • What can we learn about our past to influence our future?
    • How does one envision a future and make the necessary plans to attain it?
    • What interpersonal and intrapersonal skills are necessary to constructively participate in a changing global community?