We believe language is a tool to connect with the world. World languages are increasingly important for knowledge, communication, understanding and success in an interdependent global society. The study of another language is an integral part of the education of all students. The School District of Clayton is committed to helping learners become linguistically and culturally competent. Linguistically competent students can proficiently communicate in oral and written language. Culturally competent students gain a knowledge and appreciation of other cultures in the global community. By studying another language and culture, students embark on a journey to become successful world citizens who can function in a global economy, develop skills to understand themselves and interact with others across the globe. Learning a second language enhances thinking skills and broadens future career opportunities and personal interests for all Clayton students.
Listed below are the Enduring Understandings of the World Languages and Cultures curriculum. These are statements that summarize important ideas and core processes that are central to a discipline and have lasting value beyond the classroom.
Enduring Understandings
- Language learning enriches identity and cultural awareness
- Language reflects and shapes cultures and perspectives
- Effective communication requires cultural sensitivity and structure
- Language learning develops transferable skills and resilience
- All students can succeed in language learning with the right support